Why Search Engine Optimization Matters
In the early days of the Internet, marketing online was essentially a push method—people would go online, surf the web, and encounter the information that businesses and advertisers wanted them to see.
In today’s online environment, however, the consumer has considerable more control, using a search engine for essentially a pull method to search and find the exact information that is relevant to them.
Search engines like Google, Yahoo!, and Microsoft’s Bing now actually act as catalysts helping consumers find the pertinent information that they are looking for, and companies have adopted search engine optimization (SEO) techniques to ensure their company website, landing pages, or even social media activities are listed in search results. But with the majority of Internet users rarely visiting sites past those that are listed on the first page of search results, business need realized that just being listed is not enough to drive customers to your website or business.
Businesses need to have a high ranking for particular search results and/or geographic areas, if they want to attract large volumes of qualified traffic. That is where your St. Louis, MO, search engine optimization experts can assist your company.
Search Marketing Delivers Ongoing ROI
4 Site Digital’s marketing consultants and web professionals are trained and experienced in advanced search engine optimization (SEO) methods and industry best practices in order to deliver continued results and an effective ROI for your online marketing expenses. We know how to leverage white hat SEO methods to effectively help your business gain competitive rankings for your site and services—and this leads to increased, yet targeted traffic.
Unlike pay-per-click campaigns that require companies to pay for search term-related positioning, St. Louis, MO, search engine optimization can help your site be ranked in the search results rather than the paid links section. 4 Site Digital uses SEO best practices as an overall approach for your business website, and we can combine pay-per-click. The downside to pay-per-click advertising is expense, although it can be an effective tool to garner some quick and early traffic to your site. But to win the longer race, realize that SEO is a strategic approach based on sustained, and quality search optimization of your website and landing pages based on known search engine ranking criteria.
At 4 Site Digital, your Internet marketing consultants can help you analyze your business needs, your website’s effectiveness, and provide guidance in developing an appropriate search engine marketing (SEM) and/or a social media optimization (SMO) strategy that fits your specific business. 4 Site Digital can help you move your business to the next level, by providing you with a comprehensive mix of SEM tools and techniques to better your business locally in the St. Louis market, or elsewhere.
As search engines refine their algorithms and place greater importance on certain techniques over others including the relatively new reliance on copy semantics and targeted relevance and/or expertise on a specific subject, savvy Internet marketers are staying ahead of the trends to ensure their clients continue to experience high rankings.
Google Says:
The key to Search Engine Optimization is to make small modifications to parts of your website on an ongoing basis. These modifications will improve website user experience. Proper copywriting and support on both your website and social media platforms will dramatically increase the user's experience. This 4 Site Digital practice is what our client’s value. Nowadays, you must optimize media rich content not only for your website, but also for YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Blogs, and others if you want your SEO efforts to be rewarded with higher search rankings.
Businesses today should strive to serve online visitors a maximized experience with well designed, responsive websites, where content is well written, enjoyable, and focused on the personas of clients and customers. Let 4 Site Digital help with a free web assessment guide and provide you a roadmap. We are a full-service, digital marketing agency with over 14 years of experience. Contact 4 Site Digital for help with digital marketing. Discuss your goals with one of our St. Louis area consultants today to see how you we can help you increase your organic search engine rankings and develop an ongoing, search engine optimization strategy for your business.